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Installation Guide


  • Relevant API keys (for simplest setup, set OPENAI_API_KEY or ANTHROPIC_API_KEY)
  • Database, either:
    • SQLite (sqlite-vec will be installed)
    • PostgreSQL with pgvector extension

By default, Elroy will use SQLite. To add a custom DB, you can provide your database url either via the ELROY_DATABASE_URL, the database_url config value, or via the --database-url startup flag.

curl -LsSf | sh

This will: - Install uv if not already present - Install Python 3.12 if needed - Install Elroy in an isolated environment - Add Elroy to your PATH

This install script is based on Aider's installation script

Option 2: Using UV Manually


  • Python 3.10 or higher
  • Database (SQLite or PostgreSQL with pgvector extension)
  • Relevant API keys (for simplest setup, set OPENAI_API_KEY or ANTHROPIC_API_KEY)

  • Install UV:

    # On Unix-like systems (macOS, Linux)
    curl -LsSf | sh
    # On Windows PowerShell
    powershell -c "irm | iex"

  • Install and run Elroy:

    # Install Elroy
    uv pip install elroy
    # Run Elroy
    # Or install in an isolated environment
    uv venv
    source .venv/bin/activate  # On Unix/macOS
    # or
    .venv\Scripts\activate     # On Windows
    uv pip install elroy

Option 3: Using Docker


  • Docker and Docker Compose

This option automatically sets up everything you need, including the required PostgreSQL database with pgvector extension.

  1. Download the docker-compose.yml:

    curl -O

  2. Run Elroy:

    # to ensure you have the most up to date image
    docker compose build --no-cache
    docker compose run --rm elroy
    # Add parameters as needed, e.g. here to use Anthropic's Sonnet model
    docker compose run --rm elroy --sonnet
    # Pass through all environment variables from host
    docker compose run --rm -e elroy
    # Or pass specific environment variable patterns
    docker compose run --rm -e "ELROY_*" -e "OPENAI_*" -e "ANTHROPIC_*" elroy

The Docker image is publicly available at

Option 4: Installing from Source


  • Python 3.10 or higher
  • uv package manager (install with curl -LsSf | sh)
  • Relevant API keys (for simplest setup, set OPENAI_API_KEY or ANTHROPIC_API_KEY)
  • PostgreSQL database with pgvector extension
# Clone the repository
git clone --single-branch --branch stable
cd elroy

# Create virtual environment and install dependencies
uv venv
source .venv/bin/activate  # On Unix/MacOS
# or
.venv\Scripts\activate  # On Windows

# Install dependencies and the package
uv pip install -e .

# Run Elroy